Friday, May 2, 2008

Spoken too soon

I just received a call (actually 3) from Candy at my Oral Surgeon's office. She tells me that she has been arguing with the hospital because, I guess on Wednesday she received a call from them telling her that the O.R. was already booked on July 7th. That another oral surgeon got his booking sheet in before them and that he needs it for 6 hours. She tells me that she argued with him and said that they have 3 other operating rooms, but he said there is nothing he could do and that his supervisor was out until Monday.
Her only other option/thought, was that we could book it on Friday the 11th (the hospital has an opening that day) and move Dr. Weldon's regular patients to Saturday morning. At this point, I don't care what they do... they need to get me in that week!! There are two of us that do loans at work and the woman I work with will be out the last week in July and the first two weeks in August. So, Friday the 11th would be the last time I could do it and have enough time afterwards to recoup before having to go back to work.
I guess I spoke too soon didn't I?
I am supposed to hear from them today to have a little bit better of an idea as to what is happening. Please give me strength!!


Dragon (Karen) said...

Hope your surgery date works out and the timing is what you need.

Take care!

ingrid said...

Good luck! Hope you get your date!

holski said...

Michelle. I have no words. These people need to get their act together. Girl, this will happen if I have to bring the bone saw over to your house and do it myself. kidding kidding. I am so mad for you though. These booking people are out of control! Don't they understand that they must be organized as people have lives!? geeeez. Deep breaths.

Shontelly said...

They sure like to jerk you around, huh?! Man..

Heather said...

OMG! I don't think I would be as calm as you are. Holly's right they need to get their S**t together over there!