Thursday, September 20, 2007

Gotta love the wire!

Boy were my teeth killing me. I couldn't wait for her to put that wire back on. My husband was really surprised. He was saying how he thought it would feel good not having it on. Just the opposite! It made me wonder what it would feel like when after everything I need done is completed, will it hurt like that when my braces are removed. Hmm. I guess I can relax... don't need to worry about that one for a while!
So my gap has closed except for the triangle like hole up by my gumline. I know it's better than the gap but, I'm not fancying this much either. Sometimes spit bubbles or whatever I am drinking tries to shoot out of it. Gross!!! I asked about it when I went to the Ortho's office. She told me it would probably stay that way until he puts in a square wire. Anyone know when that comes?? I was hoping the stainless steel one would do the trick.
I also think that my open bite has gotten worse. I'm almost 4 months post op. from my SARPE, did anyone else have trouble biting and using their front teeth at this stage of the game. They still seem so sensitive and unstable. Maybe I should stop being such a worrywart and just bite!
I'll have to post a few new pics so you can see my triangle.

For now, I'll just go back to counting the days till my next appt. 26 and counting.....


Michelle said...

So where is the pics of the Bubbly Bermuda? Sorry, had to do it. If we can't laugh we aren't going to make it. Thats what I kept telling myself. I was just sitting here looking at my pics from May...oh man was I a sight for sore eyes. That is awesome that you gap is pretty much closed, Im not sure about a square wire, just not there yet I guess. Stinks that your overbit is worse but Im sure it is all going as planned. I keep looking at my teeth going, man, the OD just directs these teeth around like it is nothing. What a talent.
Anyway, post them pics.

Shontelly said...

O lord yeah! (about not using the two front teefs) I JUST started biting into things and I'm at 7 months!

Michelle said...

Still waiting on pics Miss Michelle. I need to post one too but I really dont think anything has changed, well not that the eye can see.