Monday, December 31, 2007

What will the new year bring?

My husband and I were talking yesterday about everything that has gone on this year. It seems like so much and so many changes. One of the best things is that I have met so many wonderful people. You guys are all so great.
Then, I realized the best thing of all… I won't have to say that my surgery will be next year anymore. Woo hoo! Things really are moving along! Come on 2008! We are ready for you!

Happy New Year everyone, be safe and enjoy!!!

Monday, December 24, 2007


I know everyone is so busy these days but, I wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope you are all enjoying your families or however you may be celebrating.
Take care everyone!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Broken Bracket

Well, I had to go back to the Ortho, sooner than I anticipated. I broke my first bracket. It's funny though. Wednesday night I did all of my teeth cleaning rituals before I went to bed and didn't notice anything but, when I woke up Thursday morning, the bracket was hanging on the wire. It was the last one back on my left side. Then when I went to brush my teeth Thursday morning, the little bugger fell right off into my mouth. So I bagged it and brought it with me on my trip. Then, they actually cleaned it and used the same one. I'm glad I thought to bring it with me… gold star for me!! I'm still not sure how it fell off though. Deb, the Tech, did tell me that it happens to the back ones a lot. I guess I'll have to try and be more careful.
Have a great weekend everyone.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lastest update

Okay, so I had my appt. My teeth are a little sore right now, the front two are burning a bit. Dr. Post repositioned a bracket on my #4 tooth. He put in an 016 Niti on bottom and an 016 stainless steel on top. I am so glad about the top one. He made some bends in it to help with the gap. He also put a power chain back on the front two teeth. I’d really like a full power chain across all of them because when he was closing the front gap it made other gaps on the sides.
Because my bottom teeth are pretty crowded, the tech., Candy asked if he had mentioned doing reproximation on them. Has anyone ever heard of this? I’m going to have to research that one. He has never mentioned it to me before.

You know what really bothers me lately, my smile. I hate to complain because my teeth are really looking so much better; I’m even getting compliments on them, braces and all. My smile though, just looks forced. It’s not an easy natural smile. I guess in time it will look better, I hope.
Funny story: my lips have been extremely chapped lately (go figure) and when they got done working on me this morning, my lips were actually swollen. So I went out to the receptionist to make my next appt. feeling a little embarrassed. She said Oh, you look great. I say, yeah swollen lips and all. Her reply, it makes you look voluptuous. Is that a good thing?

I forgot to tell you, I finally met the local woman that had the same surgery as me. It was so nice to see her progress in person.
Also, if Nat is still reading my blog, please let me know. I hope your doing well.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Still here...

Still here, but not much happening. I go tomorrow morning at 8:30 for my next Ortho. appt. I am really hoping to go back into the stainless steel wires. I also hope he puts a bend in it so I can get rid of this gap once and for all.
I'm trying to decide on a color scheme. I really think the red and green have made my teeth look yellow. The blue made them look much more white. I'm thinking I'll probably go that route again.
I'm still on meds for the sinus infection , I hope this round really clears things up.

Cool news: My family and I went skiing for the first time ever on Saturday. It was so much fun. I am so sore, but I figure it was pretty good exercise. My youngest daughter picked up on it immediately and was flying down the mountain. This is something we definitely have to try again. We have gotten over 2 feet of snow in the last week, should make for a long winter.

I was really looking at my bite this weekend. In the beginning, my open bite was so bad, I could bite down and still fit a finger into my mouth. Now I can't. I love seeing progress.

I'll post a new pic tomorrow. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I figured with all of this cat talk lately, I should share a picture of our cat, Buddy with you. What a personality he has. Very high maintenance. He is really good when someone's not feeling well though. He laid with me for hours after my last surgery. I know the pictures don't even compare to Shontell's, I'll have to work on that one.

On another note, I have another call into the doctor. The sinus infection is back. I haven't even been off of the antibiotics very long. Unbelievable. I'm not sure if I mentioned it before but, I have already had sinus surgery too. I had it exactly 1 year before my SARPE. I thought it worked, I guess not. So, if I have this next surgery in June too, it will be three years straight of recuperating in June. Third times a charm they say, I hope so!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Holiday Bling

So I went to the Ortho. with my daughter yesterday so I could get my holiday bling. What do you think? Looking at this picture, everything looks so out of whack!
When I first sat down, Heather looked to see when I was supposed to have my regular appt., for a split second, I think she was thinking I might be able to have my adjustment early but, that's all it lasted. She said yeah, still too soon. Oh well, I'll go back on the 18th and get the real work done then. It'll give me a chance to catch up and wish them all Happy Holidays.
Hope you all have a great weekend! I'm heading to the mall to go shopping, wish me luck!

Just wanted to share my girls with you. They bring such joy to my life!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Not much happening

Still no changes, but I wanted to say hello to all of my blog buddies. Tomorrow my daughter has an Ortho. appt. so, I called to see if I could come in just to get my ligs changed. My daughter really wants me to do the red and green with her and my next appt. isn't until the 18th so tomorrow works out well. I'll take some new pics to show off my holiday spirit.
Have you all seen Brandy's bare smile? Absolutely amazing! She gives us all something to look forward to.