Monday, April 28, 2008


My Insurance letter came in the mail on Friday!!! I never read the letter my Oral Surgeon sent to them but, I know it was just a matter of a few weeks ago. Harvard Pilgrim has truly been wonderful during this whole thing. It says I have been approved for:

Reconstruct Midface, Lefort

Prepare Face/Oral Prosthesis

I’m not sure in Insurance terms what exactly it means but, as long as it says the Lefort is covered, I’m good. Things seem to be moving in a positive direction lately. It feels good.

I still have moments when I get a little anxious about being wired shut. Someone posted a comment saying that while she was wired, she carried around cutters just for peace of mind. Maybe I’ll do the same thing. I know it’s all in my head; it just makes me nervous still. One reason why I think I feel this way is because I’m a mouth breather. It freaks me out a little bit to think I won’t be able to get enough air. I know, I know… all in my head.

OR… what if I have to throw up?? I remember doing this after the SARPE!!

Right now, I just can’t wait to be on the other side!

I haven’t really been watching what I eat lately. I keep telling myself that I mine as well eat while I can. I probably won’t fit into any of my summer clothes the week before surgery while I’m on vacation. lol

I have been walking a lot more lately. I want to try and be really fit and healthy when I go in this time. Maybe it will make a difference, maybe it won’t, but I figure it can’t hurt.

Work has been really good too, I was originally only planning on taking a week off just like the SARPE but, the OS said I need a minimum of two weeks. So, I won’t return until July 21st. They’ve been letting me bank some comp. time so I won’t have to use all of my vacation time up.

I was a little surprised the Ortho. didn’t want to see me sooner, I don’t go again until May 20th. At that time, I’ll have to set up the final appointments for molds and surgical hooks. The OS wants to see me with my new molds and hooks prior to me going on vacation.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that everything continues to go smoothly!!


chris k said...

You know I'm a big fan of the exercise routine. After the surprise shown by my doctors at how well my recovery went I'm convinced it's because I got healthy and prepared right beforehand. Get those walkin' shoes on!

Eva said...

Hi Michelle, I've been without computer for a while so I haven't been by. It looks as thow you've been making some progress since last. Congratulations on finally getting a date, again.. :) Sounds tough beeing wired shut, but I'm sure you'll get through.

Heather said...

I'm so happy to hear that everything is working out so well for you. Now everything is starting to feel like it's happening. I can understand the being nervous part; it truly is nerve wracking waiting and wondering how you are going to do after the surgery. As for the eating whatever you want; I think you should eat your favorite foods beforehand 'cause you're going to miss them later. Anyway, glad to see things working out finally. Good luck and see ya later.

Tara said...

YEAH for good news from the insurance company! I wanted to frame my "IT'S PAID FOR LETTER"!

holski said...

approved! yay! Things sound like they are really coming along. =) Very exciting.

V said...

Hooray! We're already in May now.. Will fly by! :) xxx

ingrid said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Don't worry, you will get through it! Here are some things I used that helped clear my nose:
Sudacare Shower Soothers Vaporizing Shower Tablets
Vicks Vapor Inhaler
Afrin Nasel Spray
Breath Right Strips

Shontelly said...

Fingers are crossed for ya! I worried about throwing up the most. I'm glad everythings finally going well for ya Michelle!!!!

bridget said...

Wire cutters: my surgeon told me to always carry wire cutters, just in case (his example was in case I was in a car accident or something along those lines). Of course I never needed them. And throwing up isn't so bad. In the beginning you don't really have enough in you to throw anything up, and at the worst, everything you take in is liquid, so it's not like anything is going to get stuck behind your teeth. In the hospital they have suction devices also, to help with that.

bridget said...

Also, I want to second Chris's first comment: healthy, fit bodies heal faster!