Thursday, April 10, 2008

This is "Pal"

The first one is on the ride home. He was checking everything out for about the first half hour and then he slept the rest of the way (1 1/2 hours). When we got home, he ate, checked the place out and then fell back to sleep in Kate's arms. He had a long day!


Shontelly said...

ooooooooohhh what a cutie! So adorable! I wish I could get another.

holski said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww I want one now!!!! adorable.

laura said...

omg omg he's soooo cute!!!!! awwwww

Melissa M. said...

i want one too!!

V said...

OH MY GOD that is the cutest little thing ever!! Now you'll be totally distracted and the time will just fly by.. :D xxx

nabukay said...

cute, lol.

Kristy Eng said...


Tara said...

OMG, tooo stinkin cute!!! What kind of cat is he? Congratulations on your new family member!