Monday, May 5, 2008

I'm not sure if I should speak the date....

After a very long weekend and a few more phone calls today, I finally got my surgery date scheduled. As of right now, it looks like it will be... July 11th. Only 4 days later than expected, but still extremely frustrating to have to go through this!
I'm really hoping this date is a sure thing! I feel a little bit better about it because, the hospital just called me to set up my pre-op appt. already. This was actually a little strange because they actually called me before Candy at the OS's office did. So, I called her immediately and asked her if this date was a done deal because the hospital was trying to set up my pre-op. She said it definitely was, and that she just hadn't had a minute to call me yet. (I am so sure she is sick of talking to me) So my pre-op is set for July 7th at 8:30 (the same day I was supposed to have surgery, go figure)
I changed my countdown clock and we begin again!
Thank you all for standing by me!!


Katherine (Kate) said...

HaHAA!!! You are official!! Girl, you have had one heck of a time with all your ups & downs & all-arounds.....but you've got it. PLEASE tell me you made them spit and shake on it...Or poke pinkies with pins and swear or SOMEthing!

I 'heart' your coundown clock :)

Katherine (Kate) said...


Candy's not allowed to be sick of you ~ the sole reason for her existence (while in office, anyways) is to make sure you get what you need....You give her job purpose!!

Michelle said...

Awesome! It will be here and over before you know it. Im very excited for you! Sure miss the group, Ive been soo busy. Anyway, glad you are still on track.

Megan said...

How exciting to have a date finally set. I know what you mean in regards to changing of dates because no OR availability. The same thing happened to me too. I like your clock as well! Maybe I'll do that for my 6 month mark(since that's when all the swelling is supposed be gone).

holski said...

phewf. Let's hope this one sticks. I have a good feeling about it though. =)