Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Lastest update

Okay, so I had my appt. My teeth are a little sore right now, the front two are burning a bit. Dr. Post repositioned a bracket on my #4 tooth. He put in an 016 Niti on bottom and an 016 stainless steel on top. I am so glad about the top one. He made some bends in it to help with the gap. He also put a power chain back on the front two teeth. I’d really like a full power chain across all of them because when he was closing the front gap it made other gaps on the sides.
Because my bottom teeth are pretty crowded, the tech., Candy asked if he had mentioned doing reproximation on them. Has anyone ever heard of this? I’m going to have to research that one. He has never mentioned it to me before.

You know what really bothers me lately, my smile. I hate to complain because my teeth are really looking so much better; I’m even getting compliments on them, braces and all. My smile though, just looks forced. It’s not an easy natural smile. I guess in time it will look better, I hope.
Funny story: my lips have been extremely chapped lately (go figure) and when they got done working on me this morning, my lips were actually swollen. So I went out to the receptionist to make my next appt. feeling a little embarrassed. She said Oh, you look great. I say, yeah swollen lips and all. Her reply, it makes you look voluptuous. Is that a good thing?

I forgot to tell you, I finally met the local woman that had the same surgery as me. It was so nice to see her progress in person.
Also, if Nat is still reading my blog, please let me know. I hope your doing well.


Michelle said...

Oh you lucky dawg! Your triangle will be gone in about a day I bet. That is so kewl...still wishing he would close mine but it really isn't bothering me much these days. I understand what your feeling...I think it is because there aren't those immediate changes going on...things are taking a little longer now. Atleast thats what Im thinking about my situation..I feel like Im at a standstill. BUT....in reality I'd have to say..WOW..what a huge difference. We should have big grins on our faces and keep looking toward the light...the debracing day is just around the corner. (Well, maybe a couple of corners, hehe) Cheer up, you look great and volumptious can be good I guess..hehe

Michelle said...

Oh..Do some side by side comparison shots, that will cheer you up. It always does for me.

Shontelly said...

That gap is pretty much gone! Feels good doesn't it?? I was so happy when mine finally went away.
I know what you mean about it feeling forced. I have been feeling that all my life. I have to say though, it's looking a lot better since the sarpe. If I cover the bottom half of my mouth and smile it looks really good. LOL So you will be very pleased when those teeth of yours are in their right places. I agree with the other Michelle about the side by side comparisons. It will make you feel SO much better!!