Monday, October 22, 2007

The lastest pic

To me, it doesn't look like much has changed. 21 more days until this dreaded expander comes out!!!! Not that I'm counting or anything!
I spoke to the other girl that I told you about earlier that had the same surgery and goes to my Ortho. She told me she has her bottom braces on. Now the Ortho. told me he didn't want mine on while I had the expander in. He said that would be too much all at once. What's up with that?? I say, bring em' on!


Shontelly said...

Looking at your last pic and comparing - it doesn't seem like the gap has changed much to me either. I say bring on the braces on the bottom too!! Tell him you can hang! ;)

Michelle said...

I agree...tell him you are ready for em'. Tell him he needs to multi-task, you don't want to wear those babies any longer than you have too!!!

Michelle said...

Ohh,,Im trying to tell what he did with your front teeth. You said he wrapped a wire? Is there a bend in the wire to make the tops close in? My OD said that he would be putting a bend in mine...hmmm..Hopefully upon my next visit.

Michelle said...

I told him yesterday that my blog buddies haven't notice a difference this visit. He smiled and politely disagreed.
Yes, he put a bend in the wire right in the center of my two front teeth and he also twisted a wire around the two front ones instead of a power chain. I assumed he did that to keep them where they were and not pull them any tighter together, I'll have to ask him to make sure.